Hogeschool PXL

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PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts is based in Belgian Limburg and is located on 7 campuses in Hasselt, Diepenbeek and Genk. The Hogeschool has 9645 students and 1100 staff members. The offer consists of 39 regular courses (19 professional bachelors, 1 master’s, 1 educational master’s, 17 graduate courses, 1 educational graduate course, 33 graduate courses) and a range of opportunities for lifelong learning after your studies. The 100250 annual visitors of PXL-Congress prove this. PXL University of Applied Sciences is also at the service of the field of practical research. The 10 expertise centres of PXL-Research are known for their demand-driven no-nonsense approach. PXL University of Applied Sciences collaborates extensively with UHasselt in the Association of Universities of Applied Sciences Limburg. For the realisation of its ambitions on a regional, national and international level, the university college can count on an extensive social and digital network. For this project PXL will be in charge of the project management. It has already built up experience with the lead partnership in the previous Interreg programme. Currently PXL is lead partner in a LIFE project and leads several Erasmus+ projects. In terms of content, the expertise of the “PXL Smart ICT” Expertise Centre will be used. This research group focuses on 3 spearheads: (1) Virtual and Augmented Reality, (2) Internet of Things and (3) Artificial Intelligence. In addition, there has been a focus on blockchain for some time now, including a market study and the development of use cases for the healthcare sector. Both practice-oriented research and consultancy assignments for profit, social-profit and non-profit are carried out around these topics. PXL Smart ICT actively cooperates with the business community. There is also a close link with education, more specifically with the PXL-Digital department, which offers a diverse range in the ICT and electronics domains an PXL Tech, which uses its campus in Diepenbeek as a living lab for energy management. Finally, an ESCO matchmaking event has been organised for several years now in which demand (companies that want to save energy) and supply (Energy Services COmpanies) are matched. By organising this event PXL succeeded to build a network of professionals on the topic of energy.

Ann Das (project manager)