Publication T1.1.7_A novel architecture for a Peer-to-Peer Energy Market According to the blockchain technology Gartner Hype Cycle, decen- tralized exchanges can be seen as one of the innovation trigger tech- nologies with high expectations. Decentralized Peer-to-Peer...
Publication T1.1.6_Privacy and security mechanisms A blockchain is a system for storing data in data blocks where each new block is added to the chain in such a way that it cannot be changed. There are various variations and applications for Blockchain technology...
Publication T1.1.5_Demand Response Belgium has an electricity-intensive industrial sector and relatively low demand in the residential sector, as electricity is not the dominant energy source chosen for heating purpose [1]. This industrial demand is exploited at the...
Publication T1.1.4_Regulatory framework conditions for decentralized microgrids and P2P Sharing concepts Traditionally the Dutch electricity market used gas and coal driven power plants. Although there where initiatives to move towards a more sustainable power...
Publication T1.1.3_Regulatory and financial framework for a blockchain P2P Solution on the Walloon Energy Market Energy sharing could be an opportunity for players in the construction and real estate sector. It can increase the range of services offered by these...